Model Stereotypes

June 12, 2019

Preamble: what’s a job? After all I’ve always thought a job basically is (or defines) WHAT YOU DO, not WHAT YOU ARE. I mean, mine is not holy rule but just a general opinion. I grew up with a dad… he was a lathe turner in a big factory (wait, “was” ‘cause now retired!), he worked so hard every day, but when he came back home, not a single word…


Real Women, Real Beauties

January 12, 2017

Words have a meaning; I mean, if to say something you use certain words instead of some others a reason there must be – and in fact there is. One of the most inflated, hackneyed and used at random words in fashion is “anorexia”. I won’t write too much today ‘cause after all that’s not the real point, but you know, if “the industry”  uses it to have something to…